I have no idea how I was subscribed to “The Gaily News: Commonsense Conservative Politics” from “The Last Gay Conservative,” recently but I was. The unsubscribe feature is a blessing.
At any rate, this email subscription came from “news@bosnerdley.com.” Bo Snerdley is the stage name of Rush Limbaugh’s former producer. Of course, Rush Limbaugh was the very voice of mainstream conservatism, and his legacy lives on in The Gaily News.
The “Last Gay Conservative” himself is Chad Law, who describes himself as follows:
Chad Law
Chad Law is the beacon of truth, the holiest homo, and the true leader of the gay world. He is a self-educated expert on all thing’s politics, US history, and most importantly- common sense. Chad studied marketing at Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas. In just his short career he has created, scaled, and sold three very successful businesses. Chad also sits on eight different boards for companies around the world.
Chad has spent his entire life defending his political beliefs next to his being gay. He has had the fortunate ability to travel around the world learning from some of today’s leading political scientists. Recently he has started working with the convention of states action and the heritage foundation. Today, Chad speaks and lectures at various political events around the country. Most days you can find him at the Huntington Beach Dog Beach with his Frenchie, Ronald Reagan.
As far as common sense goes, the rational science of biology teaches us what male and female mean, and how they work together to keep the species alive. If one believes in evolution, homosexuality (and its related sexualities) is a dead end. If one believes in natural law, homosexuality (and its related sexualities) is irrational. If one believes in Scripture, homosexuality (and its related sexualities) is a disordering of God’s created order, and is sinful. And, of course, this is not to discount one’s feelings and self-framing - which is a very real thing. But it is not the stuff of science, common sense, or revealed truth. So there is really no “common sense” argument to be made in its favor.
Nor is it “conservative.” Never in the history of civilization - even in societies that were sexually permissive if not promiscuous - has homosexuality been made equivalent in status to biological marriage (or biblical marriage, if you are a believer in Scripture).
As for Bo Snerdley, whose real name is James Golden, he describes himself as “Willing to champion long-held beliefs and question conventional thought from the establishment.” Of course, this can mean a lot of different things. But the natural (biblical) understandings of marriage and sexuality are “long-held beliefs,” and one who would “question conventional thought from the establishment” would seem to be one who would question the narrative that has normalized homosexuality and its kith and kin in every institution of society.
And this is the problem with Big Conservatism. It wants to be liked, to win elections, and to be accepted in polite society. Mainstream “conservatism” is really just a kind of Progressivism that leans right on some issues. And given enough time, today’s mainstream Democrats will be tomorrow’s mainstream Republicans - as the entire Overton Window continues its juggernaut jog to the Left.
And while they may share some political beliefs with actual conservatives, Bo Snerdley and his gay friends are not truly conservative.
Indeed, if they cannot conserve the most basic elements of biology, history, religion, and civilization, just what are they conserving?
Well said.